editions are delivered to
9,300 Essex village homes.
about your services
of every issue.
mid-Essex homes
for over 12 years
so you can be sure your ad
will be seen.
our advertisers
the tradespeople they
find in the magazine.
customers, locally
beautifully produced
editions are delivered to
over 9,300 Essex village homes.
about your services
distributed of every issue,
every 2 months.
so you can be sure
your ad will be seen.
use the trades people
they find within
the magazines.
Welcome to The Village Emporium
Our magazines have been delivered, free, through letterboxes to homes and
businesses in over 30 villages in the mid-Essex area for more than 12 years.
The neat A5 size magazines provide readers with an interesting mix of
editorial with community, charity and business news, plus a comprehensive and
diverse range of local advertisers.
From solicitors to silversmiths, from plumbers to physiotherapists….. we put
the emphasis on encouraging local people to use local businesses.
On average 80% of our advertisers continue to re-book with us, as they
recognise our magazines are an economical and effective way of promoting
goods and services to exactly the audience they want to reach.
If you are interested in advertising your product or services with us please get
in touch.
Best wishes
Julie & Sarah
The next issue is March/April
Booking deadline
Friday 7 February
To book call 07513 798 043
or email julie@emporiumessex.co.uk
View Current Editions
You can view the latest magazines online here.